After several months of being offline, I'm proud to announce that the Grandfather cam is live once again. It was knocked offline during a thunderstorm this past summer and we think it was struck by lightning. After replacing several parts and relocating the internet source (what a pain), the cam is now live again for your viewing pleasure!
In addition to the Grandfather cam, we're happy to announce that Hawksnest has upgraded their older camera to a newer streaming one. This cam should be pretty awesome to watch year round as zipliners fly through the air as well as during the winter months when the Seven Devils resort is filled with tubers. It also gives a great long range mountain view and it will provide us with live shots of snowfall in the upcoming months. In short, it's awesome!
Finally, I updated the troubleshooting page a couple of weeks back. You can find it here now.
Email me at [email protected] with comments, questions, etc.
P.S. I promise we're still working on getting the Blowing Rock cam online again.