As you maybe have noticed, Resort Cams looks a little different now. We debuted a new site design last night and couldn’t be more stoked on it! It’s been in development for several months now and we think we finally got it to our liking. There are several new features of note, the first being that the site is now mobile and tablet friendly. It looks great on Android phones, Android tablets, iPhones, and iPads. More and more people are accessing the Internet from these devices, so making Resort Cams play nicely with them was a top priority.
We have also created two new pages that feature our cams in a unique manner. The Top 10 cams page displays the 10 most viewed cams for the day, week, month, and all time. It’s a great way to see what other people are looking at on the site.
Our webcam map displays the location of all of our cams on a Google Map. Have you ever wondered exactly where our cams are located? Now you know! It’s an awesome feature that utilizes the powerful Google Maps platform and we think everyone will love it.
Check out the video below to get a brief overview of some of the basic features of the new site.
[youtube id=”z1GhUBIGoVs”]
Finally, we’ve implemented a “My Resort Cams” feature. You can register on the site and save your favorite cams for easy access on desktop and mobile. We have a ton of cams to navigate through. Now, you can quickly get to the cams you view most! Watch the video below to learn how to use this feature.
[youtube id=”OJVICJ62fDo”]
We’re pretty proud of the new site and think everyone will love it. If you have any issues, problems, etc. send us an email through the contact form. Enjoy!